
Tracklist :
01 OUT OF NOWHERE green- heyman 5.08
02 CORCOVADO jobim 5.30
03 BYE BYE BLUES hamm-bennett-lown-gray 4.06
04 MUNASTERIO SANTA CHIARA barberis-galdieri 2.44
05 BLUESETTE thielemans 4.56
06 NEAPOLITAN MINOR BLUES antonio onorato 4.31
07 BODY AND SOUL green- heyman 8.08
08 TAKE THE A TRAIN strayhorn 8.35

Prendete Antonio Onorato, chitarrista tra i più affermati del panorama nazionale, aggiungete il “mitico” Franco Cerri, unite una ritmica solida ed affiatata, considerate un repertorio di classici brani del miglior repertorio jazz ed otterrete tutto quello che si può pretendere da un vero disco jazz! Tradizione, modernità piacevolezza.
“Quando suoni con i grandi è come se suonassi in punta di dita. È come se avessi un cristallo prezioso tra le mani che non puoi scalfire…non so come spiegarti. E allora cerchi di andare all’essenza delle cose, ti muovi con cautela, con tutto rispetto…con estrema concentrazione. E alla fine ti accorgi che, quasi senza volerlo, suoni come non hai mai suonato prima. È straordinario!…”
Questo dice Antonio Onorato, durante un’intervista, del grande maestro Franco Cerri, ed è questo che si prova ascoltando questi due incredibili musicisti, il cristallo prezioso è il poter toccare quasi con mano l’incontro tra il vecchio e il nuovo, tra il tocco pulito e raffinato di Cerri e l’impronta mediterranea di Onorato.
Con grande rispetto, si uniscono, con la loro bravura, Simone Serafini e Luca Colussi, talenti friulani già affermati nella scena musicale nazionale.Take Antonio Onorato, one of the most successful guitarist on the italian scene, add the “mythical” Franco Cerri, together with a strong and close-knit rhythm section , consider a repertoire of classic songs of the best jazz repertoire and you will get everything that you can claim as a real jazz disk ! Tradition, modernity, pleasure.
“When you play with great musicians, it’s as if you were playing on the very tips of your fingers. It’s as if you were holding a precious crystal in your hands that you cannot dent… I find it difficult to explain. So you just try and find the essence of things, you move with great caution and respect… fully focused.
And in the end you realize that, even without really wanting it, you are playing like you’ve never played before.” Antonio Onorato
“I still have a clear recollection of when we first met: “Pleased to meet you, Cerri” “Onorato*, Antonio” (*Play on words: Onorato in Italian means Honoured) And we became friends, right away. A musical friendship, but not only that.” Franco Cerri
FRANCO CERRI : Guitarist, born in Milan on 29/1/1926.
Franco’s passion for music began during the second world war, and after getting a present of the cherished guitar from his father Mario, continued to grow thanks to his association with his friend, the pianist Giampiero Boneschi, with whom he began to develop his knowledge of jazz.
Having begun his career in 1945, alongside Gorni Kramer with Bruno Martelli, Franco Mojoli, Carlo Zeme and the “Cetra Quartet”, Franco quickly found himself playing in 1949 with Django Reinhardt, his first real guitar influence.
Amongst the international musicians of particular note with whom he has played, are the following (in alphabetical order): Barney Kessel (a fundamental influence on Franco), Billie Holiday, Bud Shank, Chet Baker, Claude Wiliamson, Dizzy Gillespie, Django Reinhardt, George Benson ,George Grunz, Gerry Mulligan, Jean Luc Ponty, Jim Hall, Johnny Griffin, Lee Konitz, Lou Bennet, Martial Solal, Modern Jazz Quartet, Phil Woods, Stephane Grappelli, Tal Farlow, Tony Scott, Toots Thielemans.
Special Guest during some concert with di Pino Daniele.
He played in a lot of internationa festivals with : John Scofield, Jan Garbarek, Charlie Haden, Steve Grossman, John McLaughlin, Pat Metheny, Tito Puente, Toots Thielemans, Tuck & Patti, Gary Burton, George Benson…