Michael Gassmann trumpet & Flugelhorn
Michele Calgaro electric guitar
Lorenzo Calgaro doublebass
Gianni Bertoncini drums, electronics
Michelangelo Decorato piano
Andrea Lamacchia doublebass
Marco Zanoli drums

01 PRIME 8.45
02 TERCE 6.00
03 SEXT 9.36
04 NONES 9.08
05 VESPERS 2.34
06 COMPLINE 6.43
07 LAUDS 2.36

Claudio Fasoli, ha scritto alcune delle pagine più significative del jazz italiano ed Europeo. Basti ricordare le sue innumerevoli collaborazioni con artisti del calibro di Henri Texier, Mick Goodrick, Lee Konitz, Jean-François Jenny Clark, Aldo Romano, Kenny Wheeler, Bill Elgart, Manfred Schoof, Michel Pilz, Palle Danielsson, Tony Oxley.
Insieme a Franco D’Andrea, Giovanni Tommaso e Bruno Biriaco ha fondato I PERIGEO…
Artista con idee sempre originali e avanguardistiche si propone ancora una volta sorprendendoci con un nuovo progetto musicale targato ABEAT, originalissimo a partire dalla concezione e suggellata dalla formazione, decisamente atipica : un doppio quartetto: il Quartetto “FOUR” ed il “SAMADHI 4et”. Le composizioni originali contenute in questo nuovo lavoro intitolato “ Inner Sounds”, prendono spunto da un percorso di elaborazione tematica frutto di un lavoro commissionatogli in occasione di una performance dedicata a Wystan Hugh Auden, sommo poeta inglese del 900 che scrisse, tra le altre opere, una raccolta di sette poemi dal titolo “Horae Canonicae”.
Fasoli ha riveduto e aggiornato le partiture, che conservano sommariamente la struttura dei sette poemi . L’ambientazione suggestiva e contemplativa dei singoli episodi è stata sorgente di stimolante ricerca : ogni capitolo musicale presenta una serie inesauribile di frames musicali di diverso peso timbrico e dinamico, con un evolversi rapido di situazioni a volte complementari ed imprevedibili , si è venuto a così a creare un articolato piano sonoro che regala continue emozioni.Claudio Fasoli, wrote some of the most significant pages of Italian and European jazz. Suffice it to recall his countless collaborations with the likes of Henri Texier caliber, Mick Goodrick, Lee Konitz, Jean-François Jenny-Clark, Aldo Romano, Kenny Wheeler, Bill Elgart, Manfred Schoof, Michel Pilz, Palle Danielsson, Tony Oxley.
Along with Franco D’Andrea, Giovanni Tommaso and Bruno Biriaco he founded I PERIGEO, one of the most popular jazz- band in the seventies…
Fasoli is an Artist with original ideas and avant-garde. Once again surprising us, with a new musical project by Abeat, proposing a project with an original conception and marked by the curious and very atypical ensemble : a double quartet : the “FOUR Quartet” plus the “SAMADHI 4et”. The original compositions for this new work titled “Inner Sounds”, take their cue from a path of thematic elaboration of a work commissioned on the occasion of a performance dedicated to Wystan Hugh Auden, one of the great English poet of the 900, who wrote, among other works, a collection of seven poems titled “Horae canonicae”.
Fasoli has composed seven songs, which summarily retain the structure of the seven poems. The evocative and contemplative setting of individual episodes are stimulating : each musical chapter presents an endless series of musical frames of different weight timbral and dynamic, rapidly evolving towards situations sometimes complementary and unpredictable, Fasoli created a detailed sound stage giving us continuous emotions.
Though strongly inspired by W.H. Auden’s Horae Canonicae and spiritually related to the poet’s words, Claudio Fasoli’s music has no links to the rhythm of the poet’s verse. Rather than any direct tie to the poetry one could instead speak of a reflective musical commentary. The titles follow the order of the canonical hours of Auden’s poem.
Fasoli is not trying to describe anything specific with this music, only intense feelings. Each of the seven cuts in fact has its own unique expressive mood.
(Trad. Lawrence G.Smith)