Nick Labontè leader, trombone & conduction
Luca Cacucciolo piano
Cristiano De Ròs double bass
Michele Salgarello drums
Saxophones section :
Francesco Bianchi soprano & alto sax
Luca Specchio alto sax
Valentino Finoli tenor sax
Valerio Beffa tenor sax & flute
Domenico Mamone baritone sax
Trumpets section: Luca Calabrese, Paolo Milanesi, Marco Fior
Umberto Marcandalli on track 2,3,4,6,7,8, Andrea Baroldi 1,9
Trombones section: Umberto Amesquita, Michele Benvenuti, Carlo Grandi, Mauro Ciccarese

01 THUNDERBALL John Barry/Don Black 3.25
02 MISS SOLITAIRE Alberto Bolettieri 5.01
03 PYRAMID Horace Silver 6.37
04 VELOCE PENSARE Alberto Bolettieri 5.55
05 THEMES FROM “CINEMA PARADISO” Ennio Morricone 3.20
06 LIVE AND LET DIE Paul Mccartney 3.43
07 GOLDFINGER Bricusse/Newley 4.48
08 MUEVA LOS HUESOS Gordon Goodwin 4.39
09 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE Lionel Bart 4.16

La big band “Phenomenalias” nasce a Milano nel novembre 2009. Una rarità ormai nel panorama del nord Italia.
Un ensemble di grandi musicisti. Arrangiamenti efficacissimi curati da Alberto Bolettieri, con sonorità fresche e moderne pur non dimenticando la tradizione e lo swing caratteristico delle big band degli anni ’50 e ’60. Un disco che propone versioni accattivanti di alcune celebri colonne sonore: da Thunderball al tema di Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, da Live and Let Die (a firma P. MacCartney) a Goldfinger (agente 007) e From Russia with Love. Inoltre alcune composizioni originali. Si spazia da ritmiche swing a quelle più afro e latinoamericane fino a toccare stili più soul funk.The big band “Phenomenalias” was born in Milan in November 2009. A rarity now in the panorama of northern Italy.
An ensemble of great musicians. Very effective arrangements by Alberto Bolettieri, with fresh and modern sounds while not forgetting the tradition and the characteristic swing of the big bands of the 50s and 60s. A record that offers captivating versions of some famous soundtracks: from Thunderball to the theme of Nuovo cinema paradiso , from Live and let die (signed by P. MacCartney) to Goldfinger (agent 007) and From Russia with love. In addition, some original compositions, ranging from swing rhythms to more Afro and Latin American ones, up to more soul funk styles.