
Pasion A.S.





Tangoseis é formazione italiana di tango che vanta un curriculum di assoluto rilievo .Ha portato i suoi spettacoli nei teatri di tutto il mondo raccogliendo grandissimi consensi.Recentemente le loro apparizioni al blue note di Milano e ad Umbria jazz 2004 li ha segnalati anche all’appassionato pubblico dei jazzofili.

Questo nuovo cd è una testimonianza concreta di fede nel pensare la propria musica sulla base della poesia e dell’emozione.

Il repertorio registrato è stato attinto dalla musica di Astor Piazzolla, dal repertorio del tango classico e dalle capacità compositive del gruppo.La cifra stilistica permeabile è frutto della loro curiosità che attinge dalla musica classica contemporanea , dal repertorio folklorico argentino, dal jazz ( in un recente passato notevole la loro collaborazione con Paolo Fresu).

Ne è scaturito un risultato complessivamente levigato per quel che riguarda le raffinatezze timbriche, mentre i singoli brani fanno rilevare un prisma di sfaccettature, da quella più schiettamente intimista a quella più graffiante; da quella severamente melanconica a quella generosamente solare.

Essendo la poesia della melodia ad essere il trait d’union generale, l’intero lavoro è dedicato ad una poetessa il cui nome fa capolino tra i titoli incisi: Alfonsina Storni. Una donna che può essere annoverata tra quelle che Ibsen avrebbe inserito senza esitazione nella sua galleria di femmine ribelli per la vitalità con cui ha insistito nella sua passione poetica, soprattutto negli anni in cui questo gli è costato un duro prezzo. Una poetessa che quel tango lo ha incontrato,una poetessa che accelerando l’intensità del suo vivere in fuga dalla solitudine, ha rincorso febbrilmente il continuo rinnovamento del suo stile, come nell’ansia di un imprendibile altrove dove conquistare una pienezza possibile.

Proprio questa avida necessità di rinnovamento è l’elemento che oggi Tangoseis condivide con questa pasionaria perché essi credono che lasciarsi tentare dalla curiosità di forzare le proprie conquiste artistiche, sia il modo per aggirare i rischi dell’estetismo, addentrandosi nel terreno della creazione estetica.

The first idea that came to mind when we decided to record this album – this happened during one of
those wonderful moments we shared while touring around last year – was to produce a music compilation
whose common denominator would be the poetic quality of the melodies we would choose rather than the
genre and language of the music.
We set off with these ideas in mind and as the project took shape we found ourselves collecting melodies
which were indeed mixed on a stylistic level but definitely compatible in view of their in melodic
Grouping together five main streams, the recorded material draws on the music of Astor Piazzolla – as a
sign of continuity in our artistic experience – the classic Tango repertoire – music we have played for
years without ever coming out with our own arrangements – our composition abilities – as an indication
of our curiosity for the stylistic permeability we aim to – contemporary classical music and the
Argentinean folk repertoire – again a token of the abovementioned curiosity.
In most of the recorded material, the listener will perceive how the spontaneous vibrant energy we are
able to generate – a trait we are proud of – is often put into the background by a vein of poetic languor.
From this point of view, we can say that that energy – something people who come to our concerts or
listen to our recordings are very familiar with – has not dried up. On the contrary, the underlying desire
was to let this energy convert into a form of emotional strength that would contain and absorb it at the
same time.
The outcome is an overall polished product as far as tone-colour subtleties are concerned, whereas the
tracks reveal a prism of emotional facets – from clearly intimistic to biting; from severely melancholic to
generously cheerful.
Since poetry is the element that links together the tracks in this CD, we have decided to dedicate the
entire work to a poet whose name appears in some of the titles to our recordings, Alfonsina Storni.
A woman, who can rightfully be counted among the women Ibsen would have had no hesitation to
include in his gallery of rebel females, on account of the vitality she put in her poetic passion all through
her life – especially in years when she paid a harsh price for it.
A woman, whose poetry originates from the pain of living, from the happenings and sufferings of a life
which turned the mellow tones of the domestic intimacy of her early verses into the purple hues of
intense, physical and intellectual, sensuality.
A woman, whose tormented heart was haunted by tragedy, who loved music and songs and experienced
the illusions and disillusions of love to the extreme. This woman was run through by a kind of nostalgic
grace similar to some extent to that displayed by the mysterious heroine of Tango, whom poet Homero
Manzi called Malena.

The similarity is not irrelevant here, because Storni was very familiar with Tango. In one of her poems
she gives us a vision of it in an autumnal image where the Puente Alsina bridge twists like a massive
bandoneon, while people dance in tango rhythm among the barges on the Riachuelo river, leaving streaks
of blood in the poisonous waters, twisting their obsessed tears (Danzon Porteno, 1938).
By amplifying the intensity of her existence, in an attempt to escape from solitude, Alfonsina Storni
feverishly pursued a continuous renewal of style, as if pervaded by the longing for an unconquerable
‘elsewhere’ where wholeness could be reached.
This eager need for renewal is the element Tangoseis shares with this pasionaria. We believe, in fact, that
letting ourselves be tempted by curiosity into forcing our artistic conquests is the way to avoid the risks of
aesthetism and to penetrate the territory of artistic creation.
Today, in the post-modern era, this territory no longer bears the mystery of a virgin forest, where each
step corresponds to a flash of inspiration. On the contrary, its extent is that of the global village, a place
where to capture and mix together different suggestions to create original formulas.
This strategy of using quotations and affinities, a key to interpreting the stylistic unity of this CD, can
also be found in Alfonsina’s poems, where the modernist echoes of Ruben Dario mix with and are
softened up by the power of Storni’s genuine personality, by a certain decadent sensitivity and a
technique which draws her close to Leopoldo Lugones and his proclaimed faith for a kind of poetry made
of emotion and music.
Changing the order of factors, Tangoseis shares this very faith by conceiving music on the basis of poetry
and emotion – and this CD is a definite sign of that.


Abeat for Jazz Via Pasubio 6 21058 Solbiate Olona Va tel/fax +39(0)331376380


Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 0.095 kg
Dimensioni 15 × 10 × 0.8 cm
